Friday, 8 January 2010

Do You Have To Suffer In Silence--Fit a Hearing Aid

Many people suffer from hearing loss without realising it. The most common hearing loss occurs As a person gets older and the small hairs inside the ear become less receptive to sounds entering the outer ear channel causing a gradual hearing loss. Sufferers will often accept that they can no longer hear the television or radio without the volume being turned up, making it unacceptable to others in the room who will find it too loud. If the volume is kept lower to suit others in the room it would make it very difficult for the hearing impaired to hear and therefore they would suffer in silence and miss out what was going on.
Sufferers of hearing loss could also find great difficulty in joining in conversations especially if there were a group of people as they would not be able to pick out an individual voice above the background noise. They would then tend to stand back and not take part in the discussions.
There is no need to `suffer in silence` as there are ways of overcoming these problems. Initially the sufferer must accept that there is a problem with their hearing and they are prepared to do something about it. There can be many reasons for hearing loss and the first stop must always be to visit their local G.P. so he can examine their ears. In some cases it is as simple as having a build up wax in the ear channel or a slight blockage or swelling caused by an infection which is closing up the ear channel slightly. This can easily be overcome either by removing the wax or medication to cure the infection.
If after examination, it is found that this is not the case he will ask you to take a hearing test which would be carried out by an Audiologist. An Audiologist is a qualified hearing aid specialist that will test your hearing responses over a wide range of audio frequencies. He will sit you in a very quiet room and place a pair of earphones over your ears. He will then connect these to an audiometer which is an instrument which will produce a sound at a particular audio frequency. The audiologist will gradually reduce the volume of the sound until you can no longer hear it, he will then record this. He will the repeat this test over the whole range of audio frequencies until he has a graph of your responses and where a hearing loss is indicated.
If it is found that you have some hearing loss at particular frequencies he will most likely advise you that you should have a hearing aid to overcome this hearing loss.
A Digital Hearing Aid can be programmed to amplify these particular frequencies where there is a hearing loss and not amplify those frequencies that your hearing is satisfactory. It is also possible to have the Digital Hearing Aid set up to your own requirements and environmental conditions. Some sufferers may not want to hear background noise which could interfere when listening to conversations, whereas others may want to continue to hear background noises as this makes the sounds being heard much more natural especially when in the garden or on the street. Sufferers should no longer `suffer in silence` as the modern Digital Hearing Aid can overcome most hearing loss so that you can lead as normal a life as possible and enjoy being involved completely with everything and everybody again.


  1. Useful read, describing the hear loss problems in silence. Some people are suffered from that disease and they can't understand what is the actual problem. In my opinion in this case better to consult a specialist and choose a right hearing aid. Thanks for the informative read.

    Digital hearing aids

  2. Hearing aid is the best option for getting rid of silence.
