Saturday, 13 March 2010

Will all my prayers be answerwd by using Hearing Aids

Whenever you read about Digital Hearing Aids you are bombarded with reports on how they answer all your hearing loss problems.
It is worth stating, however, that no Hearing Aid can ever give you back perfect hearing.
Digital Hearing Aids have changed considerably over the last few years with new and improved developments appearing all the time. As there are a great many differences in the type of hearing loss sufferers experience, there needs to be Hearing Aids that can accommodate these differences.
Digital Aids differ from Analogue Aids in the way that they amplify the sounds they receive. They convert the sound into `bits` of information, exactly the same as a computer amplifies them, which converts them back into sound waves before sending the amplified sound to the eardrum. The benefit of amplifying the sound digitally is that it can be tuned to compensate for the particular hearing loss of the sufferer.
The first step a sufferer should take is to have their hearing tested to see which frequencies suffer from hearing loss. This can be a loss of low frequencies i.e. voices etc or a loss of higher frequencies such as music. A hearing test can be carried out by an Audiologist or it is possible to undertake your own hearing test. These tests follow a simple process of creating sounds of varies frequencies and loudness which you listen to through earphones. The results will indicate at which points you cannot hear the sounds over the full audio frequency range. Plotting these results on a graph will indicate where help in improving your hearing response is needed.
Because Digital Aids have this ability to be adjusted to respond differently to different frequencies, a much more precise improvement in an individuals hearing loss is available.
Digital Hearing Aids are now made in various formats including `Behind the Ear`, `In the Ear` `In the Channel` `Completely in the Channel`. These different styles allow individuals to choose which Aid they prefer when it comes to personal appearance. The `Behind the Ear ` type tends to be the most obvious as they are positioned outside the ear. However the modern ones are now very small, only one inch in size so this has overcome this problem to a great degree.
The `Completely in the Channel` Hearing Aid is the most hidden as it fits right inside the ear channel. There is a problem with this type and that it is quite hard to insert and remove as it so small, therefore it is not generally suitable for elderly people who could find this difficult..
To answer the initial question `Does it answer all your prayers` it must be remembered that a Hearing Aid cannot restore your hearing completely, but a Digital Hearing Aid will give you a great deal of improvement and with the ability to adjust it to your own particular needs.